419 Romance Scam Email

Email sender: [email protected],
[email protected]
Email title: Hello Friend
Hello Friend

I wish to establish a mutual relationship with you and if you

don’t mind you can email be back through my email address
([email protected]) for proper introduction and

sharing of pictures and i also have a good proposal for you

Thank you

Debra Littlejohn


Lmfao “Debra LITTLEJOHN”



Dear Friend,

Thanks for writing me back and I want you to know that no friendship is an accident. I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.

About me:
Name: Capt. Debra Littlejohn
Born: September 24, 1976, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.
Marital Status: Single
Country: United States of America
Rank: Captain, USAF

Graduated from Parkrose Senior High School, Portland, Oregon in 1999. 2003 Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. 2007 Master of Science degree in aeronautics/astronautics, Stanford University, Calif. 2009 Flight Test Engineer Course, USAF Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB, Calif.

Presently I am in Syria for a peace keeping mission due to the WAR crisis going on here in Syria. I have a good heart, I am very sincere and down to earth. I am an easygoing, respectful and kind Woman, My religion is Catholic christian, I never judge others and am very compassionate, I love to appreciate the little things in life.

Dear, I have my reasons to contact you as I have something very important to share with you in my next mail. I wish to build a strong relationship with you in the atmosphere of trust and sincerity in order to go into business with my funds which I need to invest with your urgent assistance.

Let me stop here for now, I expect an urgent response from you soon.

Your friend,
Capt. Debra Littlejohn

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Hello dear,

Thank you for your mail and I am very happy for your interest, I hope you and your family are fine.

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. A true friend advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeable.

As I informed you about something very important to share with you. Listen to this, during one of our rescue missions with my Military groups we came across a safe box that contains a huge amount of money that belongs to the revolutionaries, which I believe they are using to buy weapons and ammunition for war. After discovering the fund it was agreed by all our military parties at present in that mission that the money will be shared between us

However, out of the total fund my share was $ 4.700.000.00( Four Million Seven Hundred Thousand USD), right now I am seeking your assistance to evacuate my share of the money, which is $ 4.700.000.00 to your place as quickly as possible, at the moment I am deeply afraid of losing the funds here due to the level of attacks everyday. I just want you to assure me that my funds will be safe in your care until I complete my service here by the end of the year 2024.

Considering my position in the service, I kept the funds in a treasure box and deposited it to UN Security Agent office here as a documentary Video/ Photo Films Production and Equipment (Tagged as Diplomatic Pouch). I don’t have a bank account here and due to my position in services, I can not transfer the funds because all our activities are monitored.

Also our military communication here is only radio message and internet facilities. We don’t use phones so I can not communicate with you on phones but we can only communicate through emails.

I need your urgent assistance and as you assist me to receive the fund, I shall be compensating you with 30% of the total fund, while the remaining balance shall be my investment capital in your Country which will still be under your control until I meet you.

I don’t have any family, I lost my parents in a car accident one morning when i was 12 years old; after the death of my family I live with my Uncle who is a military general but he died in Syria chemical weapons attack on 20th August 2013 in Syria.

Please don’t discuss this issue to a third party, if you have any reason to reject this offer, please delete all my email conversation with you because any leakage of this information will be very dangerous for me considering my position in services.

Thanks for your understanding.

Your friend,
Capt. Debra Littlejohn

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Nigerian :nigeria:

Log details:

IP Address
Continent Africa
Country Nigeria, Lagos
Browser Firefox (115.0)
Operating System Windows 7 x64
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0
Host Name
ISP Celtel Nigeria Limited t.a ZAIN

“Your country.” Dead giveaway.

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Response from “Diplomat Micheal Parker:”

(Email: [email protected])

Robert Ray Williams

The UN security Private has brought/delivered safely all the luggage from Syria here in Heathrow Airport, London. UK.I, Diplomat Joseph Terry, A special delivery agent register under Swift Security Company here in London,UK. Has been assigned to make the delivery of staff Capt Debra Little John, to your home
(Receiver name:Robert Ray Williams ,country :117-31 195th St, St. Albans, NY 11412, USA

I would love to proceed to Country to deliver the luggage register on your name and assign to my delivery list immediately as soon as i am able to get the Yellow Tag as well as make payment for the Custom Clearance Fee, which is as follows;

Yellow Tag : $750
Clearance Fee: $1070
Total: $1820.62

Right now, I am at the Heathrow Airport London, UK. Waiting to hear from you as i would like to connect my flight to your airport: ( JFK International Airport)). Note: that without payment of the above mentioned fee, the luggage of staffCapt Debra Little John, will not be released to me and without the yellow tag, the authorities in your country would want to check the content of the luggage.

staff Capt Debra Little John, made it known to the UN security company, not to allow anyone check the content and as a serving soldier on mission, nobody is allowed to check the contents of their luggage but a yellow tag must be put on it to distinguished and identify their luggage specifically as a soldier’s Luggage.

The luggage is under and it will remain under the custody of the customs until i am able to meet this Requirements.I cannot reach staff Capt Debra Little John, because they are not allowed to use phone in the camp in Syria, So i advise you to proceed to the nearest bank Transfer or ATM Transfer points nearest to you and make this payment:Let me know so that i can forward you the payment information to you.

Amount:$1820 .

I will be waiting for your email with the information that i will use to cash out the bank transfer to enable me to proceed on the trip/task of delivering this luggage to your home tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. I am calling your mobile phone right now. I had instructions from my authority not to keep my eyes away from the luggage. I don’t know what the content is, but I don’t want to keep eyes on it too.

Yours Faithfully

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Too bad these scammers won’t talk on the phone.

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