419 emails - what more can I learn

I am still new to scambaiting, but I have been focusing on the 419 email scams.

Beyond the IP addresses and so on, I am curious to know what more I can do to find out where they are. I’ve tried sending grabify links, but many are reluctant to click on them

I have got the Private IP addresses of some, but from what I’ve read, it’s impossible to track them.


Instead of grabify, create a hosting account, use php scripts to log the ip and reverse connect with it and you may get access. One thing is for sure, with a reverse connection you get the ip and maybe access to the router on any network.

At the moment i’m thinking in a simple solution.
1 - Get the ip after the clicked
2 - Reverse connect with screenshotmachine to get a print of the router device homepage
3 - Log the screnshotmachine image to an ip
4 - Later, manually check your ipl ogs and if they are using default passwords you can login or run a exploit.