419 email scammers

Anyone else besides me still playing with 419 scammers? I got out of it for a while but I’ve been having fun with them again lately. Sometimes I have ChatGPT write really long replies to them just for something different. Other times I’ll string them along as long as I can and then provide unwanted assessments of their scamming skills.


yeah I do, I use gpt as well but it’s “trained” to guide the scammer towards giving out bank accounts for reporting (AVAH is a huge help for that).
If you want give it a read or send me a DM.


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Thank you for the info and link. I hadn’t seen that post. That looks like some great advice. I started using GPT to write up stuff to send for the fun of it a while back but you’ve taken it to another level.
I’ve messed with 419 scammers for 20 years or so though I’ll go through semi-inactive periods from time to time. I’ve been getting back into it lately and always looking for ways to make it more entertaining and/or useful.


hey and nice to chat with an OG 419 baiter :slight_smile: I only started a cpl of month ago but really enjoy it.
steering them asap to a bank account (could be a mule or even worse a prior victim) is helpful, afterwards I play games with them as well just to trigger them… e.g. they do not like to be called little boys (always ends in all capital mails :joy:).
getting gpt to answer properly is a bit complicated as it sometimes ignores guidelines even though I saved them to the memory (I only have a free account up to now). just hit me up if you want to talk a bit more.
cheers from Germany

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