4106705647 IRS Scammers

410-670-5647 Final notice on lawsuit

Active now, FireRTC working

They always require a name; anyone have a way to by pass this part? They catch on early when they don’t have my fake name on their lists.

These guys are so dumb

@vogner13#56527 Just use common names, and say you’ve moved recently. Use large city, I use Chicago.

I tell them I got the call on whatever number if they ask, if they say its not there, I say my work calls forward to my cell phone.

Use large city, I use Chicago.

Most Common US Names, Combine First and Last

James | John | Robert | Michael | William | David | Richard | Charles | Joseph | Thomas | Christopher

Smith | Johnson | Williams | Jones | Brown | Davis | Miller | Wilson | Moore | Taylor | Anderson

@SM45#56533 thanks!

Also make sure you have your address right, with correct zipcode, and have it up on like google maps, he asked me couple questions about what the nearest cross street was, and if there was train nearby. Sometimes they use a map to find nearest store to send you for gift cards.

Number is down