386-610-2556 Publishers Clearing House - Sweepstakes / Lottery Winnings (SCAM)

Scam Number: 386-610-2556

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386-610-2556 VM Thursday 12-1-22 6:16PM EST

“The mailbox is currently full.”

It has been months ,try often to call but they have put restriction on answering my numbers
I always enjoyed insulting these jehovah witness Amish playing snakes up to where they would start the swear session and they would be hurting from my mild demeanor sharp tongue insults that they would not see coming or know how to responded in there scam.

Mailbox is currently full and cannot accept new messages.

First off, they dont work in call centers or have fancy calling systems, most just have a TextNow and wont pick up once you call as they either; are logged into another account, on call with another person (victim or baiter), not at their phone, busy or something else. With Lottery Scammers / PCH impersonators you need to leave voicemails and hope they get back to you.

Onto religion part:

How do you know they are Jehovah Witness?

They are typically from Jamaica.

https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/worldwide/JA/, theirs not a whole lot of them in Jamaica.

Only 1.9% are Jehovah Witness. The majority are protestantism.

From basic googling I have figured out Jehovah Witness and Amish are two different religions.

I don’t understand why you felt the need to generalise the scammer religion and bring it up just to refer to them in a negative light. While I am not bothered by people bringing religion up in baits and I feel scammers should be painted in a negative light, in a public setting you don’t need to generalise the scammers religion especially in a setting where it could paint the religion in a negative light or the people apart of it. While I am not religious, other people could be offended by it so I felt like bringing it up.


Thank you for the information.

I didn’t need to generalize the scammer with religion names and will no longer.

I do not do this when I am scam baiting on the phone with these snakes.

I had some reservation of stating that before I typed that statement in .
You are right, bringing in religion in this can upset the balance that is trying to be achieve for the good fightback for honest working tax payer consumer here on the globe.

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Got a callback this morning. He called five times and woke me up. His name is John Miller.
8.5 Million, 7000 a week and a new GMC Sierra. All I have to do for now is get a $375 Vanilla Gift Card and call him back to get my prize today. Since my number is in Muleshoe Texas and all we have is a grocery store and a gas station I have to drive all the way to Clovis, NM to get the card so I will call him back in a few hours.I have talked to this same creep so many time. He never recognizes my voice.

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