(201) 379-9833 direct scammers tv

Scammer’s Number: (201) 379-9833
Domains Used:
Extra Info: direct tv have fun :joy:


My favorite scammers to flood!

Add (201) 379-9834 9833 9832

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Yep, these numbers are all still active. I will have so much fun with them today!

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They are also using (201) 379-9820. Active as of 2:20 PM CST. Also, (207) 292-3998.

(201) 379-9834 and (207) 292-3998 redirect you to the real DirectTV. They’ll ask you for your last 4 digits AT&T or DirectTV passcode or SSN. But how do I reach the actual scammers?

I do not think it’s a real Direct TV. It is a scam according to even proven posters on BobRTC. https://bobrtc.tel/numbers/d/201-379-9820-miscellaneous-scam

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With these scams, if you push “0” or other random numbers enough times, a live scammer scumbag would usually respond.


Adding (202) 979-7697. It is active as of 3:40 PM CST.