18339894506 - E-mail Support

Scam Number: 18339894506
Scammer’s Website or Email: Email – DEM (Digital Edge Marketing)
Additional information about this scam: E-mail scammers using Intelliquent

This number is older than when it was first listed here as a PayPal script
It has been listed in about 8 other threads since

we need more threads


These guys are still going real strong, Zip.

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I know more about this place than most ever will
read between the lines and know they don’t succeed in their futile attempts at snaring victims when certain workstations answer inbound calls. It always seems to go awry for them and I have no idea how that keeps happening.
They have also received tens of thousands of calls over the last 5 weeks just to keep them on their toes.
Just a heads up, they have never answered as gmail email support in any of those thousands of calls despite the old dodgy websites around the place
They have been running fakebook script for the last week



Why do they drag their knuckles at turning off their numbers despite getting blasted with calls?

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They refuse to lay down and die
it has a lot of inbounds the guys tell me and have been bombarded relentlessly
They do go down after 20-30 minutes of hammering, then they come back 5-10 minutes later.
There have been several call centres over the last couple of months, some a lot bigger than this one that have been exactly the same.
There was a massive PayPal and also a Facebook call center which were even larger than this place, the PayPal one never appeared on any scambait sites, which took us several weeks to destroy, just like this one.
They’ll give up eventually.

This is what happened to this shithole today after they couldn’t handle the influx of inbound calls
This is the goal and prize we hear often

8888165585 Amazon prime video support

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It took the better part of four hours to get them to turn it off.

It took 2 minutes

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