1-302-309-8999 windows pop up scammers

Scam Number: 1-302-309-8999
Scammer’s Website or Email: https://comxsoft.com/?campaignid=18384240844&adgroupid=141278717893&network=s&device=c&url=https://www.facebook.com/USAcatlovers/&https://https://www.facebook.com/USAcatlovers/&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsrWZBhC4ARIsAGGUJurv6FQ1PRikl1Fwk8TZeiiWLFG065X254FJ4qnWuCcraI8-zMKGhG8aAthIEALw_wcB

Additional information about this scam: microsoft pop up scammers live

Redirects to Facebook.

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They just changed it ,now these scammers are live on this tfn (855) 544-2176

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I called like 15 times with the same phone number… I think that they don’t know how to block phone numbers.

(888) 276-0087
Now they are live on this tfn ,these scammers are huge in numbers,getting different different voices while calling them

also (802) 491-4551 got a callback from this number once i said the line was staticky

(888) 276-0097


We need to block their website by reporting on Google.These scammers keep on changing their number and scamming by taking bitcoin

(888) 394-0411


These scammers are live on this url and number ,scamming by taking cash app.we need to remove them.

Number is gone now

They changed the number from the url and now they are live on this number (888) 276-0087

Not in service.