Writingcreek.com scamming website

Correct. All genuine freelance websites require an applicant to write some tests and pass. Thereafter they ask for the academic documents. When one provides the documents they can begin working. For Writingcreek.com, you will pass all their tests and provide your documents only for them to block you from accessing the website. They’ve designed the website to appear legitimate but they harvest people’s data. Why would people raise complaints if they were genuine? Also, what prove do you need for them to be proved guilty? They have my documents already. I can also provide evidence that they blocked me from accessing their site. Angel: what business would you have defending fraudsters ?

I agree that this seems suspicious as almost everyone who has signed up has been declined but there is no evidence to suggest that their website or company is malicious, you can’t convict without evidence - so far, the only evidence is that a lot of people have been declined a job application, this isn’t a crime.


Again, not a crime - suspicious but not criminal.

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They are not “defending fraudsters” they are simply explaining that with no evidence of criminal activity, there is nothing that can be done - until someone finds some actual evidence - we have nothing.


There are plenty of people in this community that will endlessly dial them and spam their inboxes for a laugh. But if you want a serious investigation then you will have to convince the right people that there is actually something going off here.

I believe you and I do see evidence on the site that it is a front for something shady, but - I am not inclined enough to investigate further because there is just not enough to go on.

If you do some of your own research and can provide more evidence then maybe people would be more inclined to help.