Viadex Phone Number

Another male enhancement scammer, this time it’s Viadex and i called them and exposed them.


- YouTube

man you have some fetishes with this male stuff

@sethstewart165#2228 I watched your video on YouTube and I have few pointers:

*You should make a separate channel for your videos exposing scammers. Maybe use a funny username that relates to the type of scam baiting you do.
You need better click bait titles. For that video you could have used a title like "Pharmacy Scammer Lies Exposed", "Fake Online Pharmacy Prank Call", "Fake Online Pharmacy Exposed", "Prank Calling A Pharmacy Scammer", or "Scammer Wants To Gets Me Hard", etc.
*You need better thumbnails. For your videos try using a picture of women and maybe bananas.
Your videos are age restricted so removing words such as "Viadex" and "male enhancement" from your titles, tags, and descriptions should fix the issue.
*You need to troll the guys more. Just calling them a liar at the end is boring. Maybe you can make up a few personalities to troll the scammers with. For example, you can pretend to be an old woman trying to buy for her husband.
Improve your video quality. Just looking at a Skype screen is boring. You can show the scammers number on the screen at the beginning. You can also add in text slides in with funny pictures. Also in this video when the guy is telling the fake price, showing an image of the real price on the website would improve the quality. You can also show how you found out the information you are claiming he lied about in the video.
*Do a lead in snippet on the most interesting part of the call if the call is going to be over 5 minutes.
Ask people to like your video and subscribe to your channel at the end.
*Ask others to share your videos to spread the word against this scam.
Promote your other videos. Use end cards that link to your other other videos.
*Make it interactive by asking your viewers what personality should you do next and including a poll and telling them to comment on your video.

If you follow these tips, you could easily get 100+ views on your scam baiting videos in less than a month.

Thanks for the suggestion my friend! ?

@sethstewart165#2328 fetish male fetish