Tech support scam 1-808-215-8773

Scam Number: 1-808-215-8773
Domain Used:
Extra Info: from a google search ad, redirect only works on first visit from a residential ip

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I am not sure what to make of this, as the URL is:
If I go to I get:

Now if you put /?phone=1-808-215-8773 then you get that phone number or any phone number you input will display in the popup.

Haha! It even takes letters too!

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Yeah the scammers use javascript to write the phone number into the popup. Some of the scammers do this, not sure why but maybe to hide the number from crawlers in case the popup gets indexed by google or something.

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Number changed to 1-808-475-0850 in latest popup at

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I don’t make up these numbers, here’s a screenshot showing the redirect Screenshot - 28431c1567dead661ff034024ef67cb3 - Gyazo

Yeah I understand how they input the numbers to show in those popup ads, but it is unusual for a visitor to be able to make up anything and it display. I do remember one website a few years back that the number would change every time you refreshed the page. I just thought it was designed to trick the bot scrapers that search those out in order to mislead people who posted them.

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That website is now dead! :grin:

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yeah I reported to netcraft and they got it taken down