SSA via BoA! (866) 324-1548 "$2213.71"

Long hold music
Aman Jha -fake name but still a valid Indian name.
New Delhi IP
anydesk 901773766 196823682


Spoofed # 202-307-9100 real marshall
903-472-7714 TN
Spoofed # 703-740-3943


Answering as Norton Anti-Virus

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I have lied to the scammers in a similar way, @LordOfTheRings! :+1:

They will mock me with the erroneous assumption that I am unemployed.
ME: Unemployed? WE work for the federal government. From whom do you think we get all of our burner phones? From where do you think we get our VPN servers? From whom do you think we get all of our voice changers? From where do you think we get the software to spoof our VOIP phone numbers that you cannot block?



they think they can lie with imaginative originality

they’ve not seen anything yet!!



(866) 324-1549 active active active BOFA
Says [email protected] has my email
Trolling mike foster
Badge BOA240821


On with Kevin Marshall now


YES YES! trolling myself
Block !! 866-324-1551 aswell
And (866) 324-1558 :smile::joy:
(866) 324-1582😜


You found another number 866-324-1551
:laughing::laughing: This is why we all love you!!!

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Holy shit thanks for sharing!!

:bouquet: :bouquet:

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I kept some bastard on the line for 25 minutes only to mention when I got the Anydesk ID that I got some fake notification saying “Are you sure you want to connect to this? This person is located in Sector 20, Uttar Pradesh India” and he called me a motherfucker and hung up. You love to see it.

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what blocks of numbers are they using?

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There isn’t enough bandwidth on the internet to list them all

go to every toll free prefix and then dial every single number

You won’t miss too many times

there is almost more scam activity than there are genuine citizens and businesses in the US

talking to John Garrison and Derrick Miller

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Noida city Uttar Pradesh near Delhi
I got New Delhi IP
John Garrison (903) 402-4577


Dumbest people ever. If I didn’t know what he was saying I would not know what he was saying. I asked how did someone open a checking account without a picture ID. DUH! I DON"T KNOW. I asked if he knew what Identity Guard was. NOPE. He was so dumb and then of course came the foul mouthed crapola. Same old same old.


They aren’t giving up on me yet! I got a call from the "FTC/DEA yesterday. Called me over 10 times in the afternoon, but I couldn’t call them back until evening. They are still trying to get me to secure my money. I spoke to the same guy this morning, but he couldn’t even remember my fake last name!! I refused to work with him until he could tell me my last name, and hung up on him. :stuck_out_tongue:


more (877) 298-2511 866-324-9358

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John McCoy and Alex from New Delhi
money mule company “Mount Up With Technology”

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