SSA by way of BoA! (866) 203-3082 "transfer"

Just got the call back from SSA:

  • Phone Number: 2135875549
  • Date of this Report: March 23, 2023
  • Phone Line Type: VOIP
  • Phone Company: TEXTNOW
  • Phone Location: LOS ANGELES, CA
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They started to answer again…not a smart idea as they returned online to a barrage of the same
there was a loud cry of Teri maa ki chut
that feeling of defeat returned only momentarily before this again only a minute later


Nasty Alina, Eric Shaw SSA
Callback (443) 692-7280

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OMG @Jhawk !!!
Please don’t rub your wealth on us poor people! :sob:


Doesn’t look like I’ll be enjoying my riches @Sol as “the SS agents” are coming to my door to arrest me for the extra accounts created in Calif. without SS #'s. It’s like @JusticeinTexas always says, these morons have no concept how banking works here. And SS has no arresting powers either.



To your doorstep :dizzy_face: , those mofos are very entertaining today. Mine said the coat-house will arrest me today becuase I don’t have a smartphone, whelp! I need a wealthy friend…

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The sad part is that people fall for this crapola and as Americans have no idea how banking works.


And that’s even sadder MJ as it shows the lack of intelligence or desire to learn. We know teachers in schools certainly don’t see that as a priority.

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(443) 533-5570 Kevin left a message yesterday