SEIZED, @ScammerBlaster arrested

Well, maybe you will be “slapped on the wrist” and sent on your merry way. :partying_face:


I have never seen so many Amazon and big sounding centers as today. might have something to do with your flooder being down. Hope you get back to business soon.


Absolutely! As a team member with Scammer Blaster, I’m acutely aware of the extremely rigorous verification process. Did I mention the process is RIGOROUS? :sweat_smile: We had to be a million percent certain on things. Clearly Scammer Blaster aka “The Father of Call Flooding” who we all have come to know, love and respect would never set out to do any intentional harm to legitimate businesses much less look to profit off such. :flushed: Not in a million years. I can 100% vouch for that.


Today many Amazon, Walmart, PayPal, Norton and McAfee scam calls


This is ridiculous.

[email protected]

[email protected]


ScammerBlaster is 100% legit not meant to offend but to actually work to shutdown illegal scammers and has done more than these whiners ever will! So you got a call. They actually have shutdown many many illegal scammers who steal BILLIONS from the US.


Everyone, if you have any connection to any related Federal Official and Congressman, Senator and can gain their ear. Now is the time. Even if there was any minor mistake verus the HUGE impact on scammers and the impedent response the Federal Government currently has makes me think someone high up has been bribed through the BILLIONS stolen every year. ScammerBlaster is the only major PREMIER frontline attack against these putrid thieves. They need to be back online ASAP! R Lane


The last SCAMMER NUMBER I sent to Scammerblaster had several scams going at one time Social Security, Medicare. The Federal Government recently stated it’s a priority. There is a HUGE education to learn from ScammerBlaster and it should be allowed to operate unhindered until such time the government has an adequate response. I think they never will because every 4 years they usually replace top officials and they start from square one. I noted this when I worked at a governmental facility. Some things they could do are elementary but they don’t. R Lane


I also like to mention here that in reporting numbers to him or her, I have received back that they are seemingly legitimate and he didn’t dial them.

They are gray or unknown or unclear, he submits to their carrier for them to investigate which is legitimate action.

He’s not calling anybody intentionally that’s legit. Maybe legit businesses that scam resumed that he may be calling as collateral damage, but I consider this acceptable because it’s costing the same dirty entities money.


Having submitted you phone numbers that were not legit, and never having doing so with revenge in mind personally, not ever reporting any legit numbers, I find the seizures to be a way the scammers found to shut you down on a technicality. I source them as the actionable cause, not even Gov.

The first time I heard a recording of the messages you send, I worried about robo dial law. Now, the the spirit of the law in this is clearly not the letter… Advertising was not an intent, and you don’t even really have any type of paid service or financial stake in the messages.

But I’m sure some powerful people who want to abuse our government resources don’t see it that way, because companies overseas with ties to the US use these scammer call centers for things like forex that make them money on their more legal or gray scams.

When you start up again, you might revise the messages so that they have no advertising or labeling content. If you label them as a PSA without your name and tell them we keep calling you until you stop scamming, they may try for harassment too.

Hard like to press, but I think to be honest and candid with only the best of intentions in helping you, carefully revise your messages for your launch.

I’m going to have to give my current asset info to somebody like Pierogi and hope he uses it.

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@JerryFroople @Reality10000

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ScammerBlaster is a Hero BECAUSE Scammers don’t just dial a number and INFORM YOU WITH FACTS AS HE DID they STEAL from the ELDERLY and ANYONE that falls prey. One was an 80 year old woman that they stole her life savings from and she used the last few dollars to buy the bullet that she blew her brains out with. I HAVE NEVER HEARD THIS MESSAGE before now but EVERY WORD he said is 100% true. He wasn’t out to scam anyone and FURTHERMORE he was 100% correct they do FUND terrorists with the BILLIONS they steal every year. I know for a fact as a sitting Congressman told me they do. If you want the news story about the woman just ask.


I hope they fast track this and let you resume as fast as possible! Make them PROVE someone was paying per call and make sure they have a VALID BUSINESS LICENSE in the United States and PAY INCOME TAXES. The only ones paying per call is likely SCAMMERS!

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I am not sure you understood what I posted or you don’t want to acknowledge the issue, as it appears you too don’t fully understand what the FCC is trying to charge SB with. They are claiming he robocalled 10 million legitimate business toll free numbers and profited on them to fund his call flooding business venture.

Do I think he robo-called 10 million legitimate businesses? NO
Do I think he robo-called legitimate businesses? YES

It is a matter of perspective on if you believe robocalling legitimate businesses with a message that asks people to “contact him with scammer numbers that called them”, is any different than a telemarketer who robocalls people with their messages to contact them. You can’t place a waiver on some people because you think their cause is worthy enough to ignore any robocall laws.

Sure, he is a hero to many, does a great service against scammers and I am 100% on that side. However, when playing Robinhood, there will always be opposition on each side of the fence. Not everyone will agree that “robbing the rich to help the poor” is something that you should just look the other way over.

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I do understand but even your statement says quote " but a scam is a scam and no scam is “OK” to be allowed. " Accusing him of a “scam” when in fact that was NOT his intent and is not a good thing to say about a fellow soldier. And you say “Robinhood” that is a derogatory statement if heard by a jury would indicate he was a thief and make it way easier if in the jury if on the fence to say he was a criminal. Not good. I hope he and his lawyer’s demand a JURY to hear all his positive statistics and they subpoena the supposed victim’s IT and asks them under oath how much they lost to scammer’s last year alone so the PUBLIC and the jury can see. My only criticism, if you could call it that, would be he should not have had it loop more than twice and then disconnect but EVERY accuser should be made appear and I can say many are scammers and won’t. This is not a criticism of you, not at all, but I see some Peacock Syndrome in OTHER ( again to clarify not your post ) posts to the point some have even been ran off or banned when wanting to contribute. Even attacking their spelling when in fact that is irrelevant if they can help as long as one understands what they are saying. So be it if they were proud of their work and competitive but it seemed to garner attacks versus redirect. I think it requires ALL hands on deck here. Again, I applaud all efforts. I do note to that Scammers are active here (NOT YOU) because I see an uptick in my scam emails and we are coming for them in many ways. Thanks for what YOU do, it’s appreciated! I have to stand in support of Scammerblaster because any slight discomfort “Legitimate” businesses endured far outweighs all the grief he saved them.


I am sorry if it bothers people that I am only pointing out what I see here and that if I see it, then so can every person with an education that allows them to comprehend what they also read. I am not on the imaginary “Jury” here, just pointing things out that are going to be the focus of that Proposal and not the focus of the scambait community. The FCC claims they verified around 20,000 robocalls and is what they based their Proposed fine on. I doubt the FCC would make such a claim without proof and have the FBI seizures.

  • Robocalling a business’s toll free number without consent -is illegal

  • Looping messages for as long as possible -is intent

  • Profiting on robocalls made to toll free numbers with intent -is scamming

Yes, I stand by what I said:
“a scam is a scam and no scam is “OK” to be allowed.”
People can justify it as harmless “advertising”, but that is what every telemarketer that robocalls people also says. Now everyone who says it is ok to robocall is only fooling themselves if they also say telemarketers can’t. You can’t pick & choose who is allowed and who isn’t allowed to robocall advertisements.


No disrespect, I see your arguments. Don’t count me amongst anyone criticizing him though as I don’t think he INTENDED for it to loop that long, likely an oversight on his part. Also, I don’t see his actions as a Scam whatsoever and I think that is an unfair statement as well as lumping him with “every telemarketer” again is not accurate. The government doesn’t need any help they have this all wrong to begin with and do almost nothing and what people like him do is the RIGHT thing. Anyway enjoy your labor day. Thanks


None taken and those are not MY arguments, but rather as I have been saying they are what the FCC is saying as their arguments. I have read enough to agree those were intentional robocalls and which I do consider scamming. That part is my opinion and not necessarily saying he is a bad guy or anything, just that he did wrong. You have to look at it from a Court’s perspective as well, such as intent won’t be the focus as much as the questions of, “Did he robocall businesses without their consent?” and “Did he profit in any way from said robocalls?” An answer of ‘yes’ would automatically imply it was intentional.
I respect your opinions and hope everyone who reads can see things from a different perspective and not merely a one-sided point of view. I personally got nothing against the guy and hope he learns a better way to get a message out without all the drama his endeavors seems to create.
Enjoy your Labor Day festivities as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Love you, Brother. We will all see you through this. Also, I will carry on the ear-raping pain to the scammers. making them go insane lol I couldn’t say stuff before cause they banned my account for some stupid reason. But I pray for you each and every day. Hotel California’s blaring in the background. Just as you like it :slight_smile: