Popup 844-651-1526

sorry, no dice atm

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Yeah, being burned off of programming to more important tasks. Dealing cards and playing poker with these swine scammers. handing them every flush I can. We need more people in this army. And others to stop making drama when we have a nice vibe going right now.


Anything I can do to help?

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Yeah let’s find some yummy numbers to ring up and TKO!


Soo… what do I need to do on this boring afternoon?


I’m sure if it work’s still but we can scam these guys.

I forgot they were in the cycle so the numbers tied up for a little while :frowning:

No scamming today for this criminal and I see you were able to pass a call. I idolize your recordings man because you do it with such distinct organization and dedication.


980-635-2534 PCH Peter Anderson VM Friday 12-30-22 1:58PM EST

Would your reseller friend supply numbers to my pal? He had 20 telnyx numbers for trolling popups he finds, he just calls endlessly till they block his numbers, the scammers reported him for harrassment and telnyx banned him. He is looking for a carrier who won’t ban him for trolling scammers.