PayPal Scammers - (844) 859-0012, ‪(254) 488-6179‬, (888) 409-1744

Active 4:00 PM EST 6/16/21

Numbers from fake Google pages, all reported.

(844) 859-0012
‪(254) 488-6179‬
(888) 409-1744

EDIT: The 888 number has been flipped over to “$100 Gift Card” phishing mode.

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The following numbers have been reported: “0012” and “6179”

  • I called the number “1744” but that is a gift card scam at the moment, and I don’t touch those for a lot of reasons. Good find on the numbers! :joy:
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why dont you go for them?

The flooding system calls numbers casually, within time it will get shut down and their phone bill will get way to high. It could take 5 minutes to take a number down, or it could take weeks… it really depends.

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