More Medicare Scammers! Probably, Sansom/Merkavoix Again

I have another semi completed block of new Health Solutions numbers I had to leave on Friday when they finished for the day.
I’ll finish it off as soon as I can get to it


They are getting angry at (573) 688-8173!

Let’s get their criminal shift on Monday of this week off to a great start!

I got some time to kill before I gotta get going, so I am messin’ with 'em while I can!


You, sir, are the Numbers Beast! The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse - “The Destroyer of Scamming Numbers”. An orange horse!


Yeah fuck em all…and the shit wagons they rolled in on!!
No matter what nationality or what continent or island they were vomited up in.

Low life pricks they all are


I got “Ellie” there. A Filipino-sounding one, of course. She was not angry, originally. I made her angry and she hung up. She was not feisty enough for my taste!

Also, 414-667-8022 is answering every single call right now! I got an angry guy named “Justin” there.


I cruised past these two numbers earlier this morning

Sounded like very rowdy call centers selling fake bullshit Medicare plans
Hilarious how they still think they called me…when it’s me bombarding them with calls. :rofl::rofl:

2232120799 Health enrollment center

2232120815 National enrollment center

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I got on my first call to this number a woman with a thick foreign accent. I insulted her immediately. She started speaking some foreign language with an irritated tone to her voice, and then a criminal guy to whom she must have given the ‘phone started screaming at me and cussing me in English! I thought that he might have a stroke or somethin’! He finally was out of breath and stopped, at which point I laughed and informed him that his anger pleases all of us every minute of every hour of every day that he works. He hung up.

At least some of 'em are easily triggered at this (414) 667-8022.

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I think you too have had the pleasure of speaking with the “Angry Justin” of the Philippines!

Everyone - call 414-667-8022 and see if you can make Justin’s blood pressure increase!

@Jhawk @MajorLeeAwesome @bgt5WDV @Tillianne @CatMan @SouthernCulture_x @Sol


That “Justin” must be the Team Lead or designated “Protector” of the poor criminal women, some of whom have a shockingly thick accent when trying to converse in English, who are being verbally abused!



I’ve had ol Justin a few times :joy:


Either that, or he is the overseer of this criminal call center who holds them as hostages or slaves. This is very widespread in Southeast Asia. Some of these women are kidnapped and forced to work for free or minimum payments as indentured servants.

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I wonder if the criminals get to know us and remember us, even if we did not tell 'em our names, like we remember them and their fake names!


He is a very sensitive scammer! I sense that a foul-mouthed and furious “Justin” might be becoming the new BELLA for us!


Mia has quite a potty mouth.


By the way, you’re so right, @Hviezdoslav ! He is very protective of his ladies! I cursed out some woman there just now. She hung up immediately. Then, the Angry Justin called me back to just yell several insults from a spoofed number. He is hilariously sensitive in his divine fury of the Protector of Scambitches!


Consolidated this 325 - Abilene, Texas area code block into another post


Surprise, surprise! These are all FracTEL numbers used by Medicare scammers. @ATG


Every single Health solutions block is on the FuckTel network

Come to think of it that might be the easiest way to find scammers, look for numbers assigned to them then start searching. It probably wouldn’t be long before you run into some sort of fraud


I was ripping through another newly discovered block of Health solutions numbers

Usual shit , they shut every number down when I spooked them with immediate hang ups and the next consecutive number ringing already :rofl::rofl:

Every one of their thousands of numbers suddenly returned this for the tenth time I’ve done it to them while hunting them :grin:


It went from this clusterfeck of noise, to every number dead within seconds
