Microsoft scammers thread

fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
866 789 1026
(833) 363-8332
855 225 6200
(855) 590-7753
(877) -* forwarded calls to geuine att line


  • The scammer will have me “connect to the Microsoft secure server” by going to (Code: 08206, IP: :moldova:) and open the email we never received, then a Google search for my IP address. I intercepted with the bhenchod song.
  • They then tried to open the webcam, so we transferred our line to @Shortywannabeamidget (Paula Twococks) and they posed as a female named “Jessica”
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866 789 1026 - 800TollFreeNow, deployed Paula Twococks.

(833) 363-8332 - Inteliquent, “Alex Reeds” wanted me to install UltraViewer and run a “scan” with the command prompt to falsely claim hackers made “ilegal porn” and ask me to stop at my local Walmart or Walgreens to buy $700 in Target Gift Cards for “special securities from the US Government”
855 225 6200 - Advanced Communications Solutions
(855) 590-7753 - Acefone
833-670-3319 - 800TollFreeNow

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855 225 6200
(818) 463-2776

fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
866 789 1026
855 225 6200
833 444 1003
(818) 214-3323
844 868 5959

fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
866 789 1026
855 225 6200
833 444 1003
844 868 5959
(877) 628-4485

1 Like

fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 225 6200
(877) 628-4485
844 868 5959
844 995 0814
833 363 0639


Thanks for posting!


I’m going in Major!!!


877-628-4485 Joshua says his favorite color is red. Christopher Williams says “you are my favorite color.” Max Broader says his favorite color is green. Jack says this “this is etsy customer services.”

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I’m joining you!!


fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 225 6200
(877) 628-4485
844 868 5959
844 995 0814
833 363 0639
866 789 1026
833 444 1003

1 Like

fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 225 6200
(888) 233-1057
833 444 1003
866 789 1026

1 Like with code 24811

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855 225 6200
877 592 1665

(888) 233-1057
(833) 949-0959
(877) 628-4485
833 444 1003
866 789 1026

(877) 628-4485 Infinity Websoft LLC
Maira grey
, Nicholas
TICKET#: 8002563
Call Back: 706-509-8241






org:“AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc.”,

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fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 225 6200
877 339 0654
(877) 628-4485

1-888-743-8259 - microsoft scammer

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1-844-716-7020 - Microsoft Scam

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fake microsoft
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 225 6200
888 818 2633
877 483 6251
213 325 6502
844 868 5959
877 728 4198