Number Report
Report Time: 21/06/2023 02:10:39
Number: 5199628642
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
Active at this time 8009664805
no longer in service.
Telus Communications Inc
Number Report
Report Time: 21/06/2023 19:58:18
Number: 8482791921
Carrier: ONVOY
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
Number Report
Report Time: 21/06/2023 19:58:34
Number: 8432267233
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
Number Report
Report Time: 21/06/2023 19:58:53
Number: 2097130603
Carrier: ONVOY
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
888-791-1939 Wednesday 6-21-23 3:02PM EST
747-212-9422 Still Active Wednesday 6-21-23 5:32PM EST
Number Report
Report Time: 22/06/2023 00:38:46
Number: 8483108021
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
Number Report
Report Time: 22/06/2023 00:39:29
Number: 8122276220
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
848-310-8021 Henry Wednesday 6-21-23 6:40PM EST
812-227-6220 Wednesday 6-21-23 6:41PM EST
Number Report
Report Time: 22/06/2023 01:31:27
Number: 8055860341
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
747-212-9422 Still Active Thursday 6-22-23 10:34AM EST
Answering as “tech services”
I tried to get her to scam me, but she wouldn’t
Number Report
Report Time: 22/06/2023 18:53:00
Number: 8054727052
Carrier: ONVOY
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
Number Report
Report Time: 22/06/2023 18:53:37
Number: 8054919782
Carrier: ONVOY
Report Notes:
This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
(888) 488-4196
(888) 713-7639
(833) 702-1261
805-472-7052 Sarah Thursday 6-22-23 12:54PM EST
805-491-9782 Timothy Thursday 6-22-23 12:55PM EST
833-702-1261 Thursday 6-22-23 12:58PM EST