Help setup VM

@reportingscammers007#67864 when I go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTIONS\System\BIOS it has no subfolders and only has (Default) listed

Hmm, can you take a screenshot? You should be seeing

image biospng.png![image biospng.png](replace/assets/files/2018-12-22/07:27:210-biospng.png)


I'm going to bed but will pick this back up in a few hours.

I’m seeing this, so what you’re showing but there’s no registry to edit.

@nickexp#67882 Create a new string value called BIOSVendor and set the value to American Megatrends Inc.


Did that but still getting this

OK, I think the issue here is you are on Windows 10 and not 7, like I am, so these instructions are likely why its not working. I’m not sure how to get it to work with 10.

Clarification… I am a mac user(ya I know). I don’t have a windows key. Any semilegal alternatives?