Hardship Dept - (626) 213-0480, (954) 859-1511, ‪(774) 228-5208‬, (832) 261-8744 & ‪(217) 275-4494



“Hello, it’s Becky from the hardship Department. This is your last chance to enroll in the 2022 hardship program. Open enrollment is ending. Please give us a call so we can explain how this will benefit you and your family. The enrollment Department number is (954) 859-1511. Again, that’s (954) 859-1511. We hope to hear from you today. Have a blessed day. Bye”


Scammer claims you qualify for the Credit Hardship Program, prompting you to press 1 twice to be transferred to Real Credit Deal. I did speak with a representative about this issue, and he did express concerns over these robocalls.

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New Number - ‪(774) 228-5208‬


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New Number - (832) 261-8744


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New Number - ‪(217) 275-4494‬


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