FearToxin Scanner NomoRobo Thread

Number: 309-384-4852 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 844-392-7230
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Hello, this is Prime Marketing calling about your Google My business listing. Our records show that your listing is either not verified or missing important information that could be keeping your customers from finding you on Google, press one now. To verify your Google listing. If you are the business owner or your account is not verified on Google, press one now. To be removed, call 1844-392-7230 or press nine now.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 443-391-9423 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 877-311-2348
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Hello. My name is Michelle Lewis. I’m calling from Champion Strategy Holdings. I’m calling in regards to a file that’s been forwarded to our office for review. It is important that we receive a call from you or your legal representation. Since this file is a time sensitive matter, a recommendation must be submitted to your local county processor. Failure to return this call must be noted as a forfeiture of your rights and will be submitted accordingly. Please press one now to be connected to a mediator. Call 1877-311-2348 to speak with the next available agent. This is an attempt to collect the debt from a professional debt mediator.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 916-659-2583 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 719-401-5580
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Hello and good day. This is a secured voice message from the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Company located at 10 One Winner Circle, Jericho, New York, United States of America. This message is to inform you that you are the winner of an unclaimed prize. For more information on how to claim your prize, please call us and provide us with your claim code number. Your claim code number is 325647 once 325647. Our phone number is 719-401-5580. Once again, 719-401-5580. We are looking forward on speaking with you. Have a good day.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 785-599-5023 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 877-305-8716
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Your business is owed up to $26,000 per employee. Our records indicate that you have not yet filed for your Cares Act employee Retention refund. Due to the Cares Act, every company with w two employees in 2020 or 2021 are owed a refund up to $26,000 per employee. Press one to file. Now, the IRS deadline is coming up soon, so press one to file for your refund up to $26,000 per employee. If you already file, press two or dial 877-305-8716 to opt out.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 309-286-4103 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 877-615-1191
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Listing Pros calling about your Google my business list. Our records show that your listing is either not verified or missing important information that could be keeping your customers from finding you on Google, press one now to verify your Google listing. If you are the business owner or your account is not verified on Google, press one now. To verify your company, press one. To be removed, call 877-615-1191 or press nine.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 714-389-4405 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 877-550-3875
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Hello, this is Liberty Dental Plan calling for the parents of Jose Cabrera with important information regarding your child’s dental health. If you would like to be removed from future calls, or if you are not the intended recipient, please press two now. This is a courtesy call to welcome you to Liberty Dental Plan and inform you of the dental plan’s coverage. We would also like to encourage you to schedule an appointment with a dentist to receive important preventative care for your child’s teeth. Did you know you can protect your child from harmful bacteria that may lead to tooth decay? We all know how hard it is to get your child to brush their teeth, let alone to concentrate on the grooves and crevices on their back teeth. Your dental coverage has a benefit for a sealant, a thin plastic film painted on the chewing surface of teeth. It adds a protective barrier to seal off space between the tooth surface and any bacteria that may cause a cavity. And the best part is that these sealants are at zero cost to you. If you have any questions or concerns in reference to the plan or office provider, please feel free to contact Liberty Dental Plan at 877-550-3875. You may also press one now to be connected with a representative. Now. Thank you for your time.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 218-419-3747 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 180-442-6359
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

We have successfully auto renewed your subscription for McAfee Antivirus. Subscription has been successfully charged from your account. If you didn’t authorize this charge, you have 48 hours to cancel and get an instant refund of your annual subscription. Please press one or call our customer care 180-442-6359. Thank you for your purchase. McAfee Antivirus.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 321-785-6786 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 706-991-8773
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

This message is solely intended for Tyresha Prewit. When calling, please be certain to reference your case number T 120060. You you are being contacted by the Processing Division. We need to verify the contact address as well as a place of business to proceed against you at this time. You are forfeiting your rights to take care of this matter outside of court. We will contact your human resources department to follow proper protocol and procedure to have you served on the property again. The client is willing to rectify this matter. If they hear from you today, press one to speak with an agent or contact our office at 706-991-8773.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 470-220-8252 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 180-442-6359
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

We have successfully auto renewed your subscription for McAfee Antivirus. Subscription has been successfully charged from your account. If you didn’t authorize this charge, you have 48 hours to cancel and get an instant refund of your annual subscription. Please press one or call our customer care 180-442-6359. Thank you for your purchase. McAfee Antivirus.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

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Number: 870-609-5910 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 209-208-3032
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

An important update today from Relief Advisory agency dial Zero on your keypad right away. You stand preapproved for a $31,000 hardship grant overburdened with debts surpassing $10,000. We offer an escape, navigate medical fees or credit card charges with our assistance. Visualize a quick $65,000 enhancement to your balance. Time is of the essence. Push Zero now to pivot your financial journey. To remove your number from further communication, press eight or call 209-208-3032 to reach our corporate headquarters.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 262-537-0336 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 877-615-1191
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Pros calling about your Google my business list. Our records show that your listing is either not verified or missing important information that could be keeping your customers from finding you on Google, press one now to verify your Google listing. If you are the business owner or your account is not verified on Google, press one now to verify your company, press one. Be removed? Call 877-615-1191 or press 19.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 602-858-0341 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 919-866-4950
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

This is a short survey about some important Arizona issues conducted by Public Policy Polling. To opt out of this and future surveys, press zero. Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance? If you approve, press one. If you disapprove, press two. If you’re not sure, press three. To opt out of this and future surveys, press zero. Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance? If you approve, press one. If you disapprove, press two. If you’re not sure, press three. To opt out of this and future surveys, press zero. Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance? If you approve, press one. If you disapprove, press two. If you’re not sure, press three. This survey has been conducted by Public Policy Polling. For more information, visit www. Dot Public Policypoling.com 919-866-4950. Thank you for your participation.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 254-357-0843 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 844-392-7230
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

You not hang up. We’ve tried to contact you numerous times about your Google business listing. Our records show your Google business listing may be suspended or not verified through Google. This can cause customers searching for your services. To not be able to find your business online, press one to speak with a prime marketing expert so we can quickly check the status of your Google business listing. This will only take a few minutes. Press nine or call 844-392-7230 to opt out.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 647-370-6066 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 833-750-4075
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Very important message for Ashley Ilchi. We are calling from NCRI in regards to a matter that has been forwarded to our attention. Unfortunately, without your cooperation, we have no choice but to submit our recommendations to our client. We highly suggest you contact us at 1833-750-4075 and please quote your docket number 1492-1236. We are willing to work with you, but a return call is necessary. Again, the toll free number is 1833-750-4075. Our mailing address is 6285 Northern Drive, Mississauga, Ontario. L. Four. V. One. X. Five.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 740-779-7528 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 740-779-7528
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Is Robin Verno from the Adena Health Foundation. This message is not about you or your personal health. Instead, it’s a courtesy call to let you know about a letter you’ll be receiving in a few days. As we approach Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we thought it would be a good time to remind you about technology used at Adena Health that drastically improves the level of healthcare for our patients. When you see your letter in the mailbox, I hope you’ll read it and carefully consider how your support can help Adena Health at the forefront of patient care right here, close to home. If you would like to opt out of receiving future calls from us, please press nine now or call 740-779-7528. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day. Hi, this is Robin Burnout from the Edena Health Foundation. This message is not about you or your personal health. Instead, it’s a courtesy call to let you know about a letter you’ll be receiving in a few days. As we approach Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we thought it would be a good time to remind you about technology used at Adena Health that drastically improves the level of healthcare for our patients. When you see your letter in the mailbox, I hope you’ll read it and carefully consider how your support can help Adena Health at the forefront of patient care right here, close to home. If you would like to opt out of receiving future calls from us, please press nine now or call 740-779-7528. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 301-478-8557 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 919-866-4950
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

This is a short survey about some important Maryland issues conducted by Public Policy Polling. To opt out of this and future surveys, press zero. Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance? If you approve, press one. If you disapprove, press two. If you’re not sure, press three. To opt out of this and future surveys, press zero. Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance? If you approve, press one. If you disapprove, press two. If you’re not sure, press three. To opt out of this and future surveys, press zero. Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance? If you approve, press one. If you disapprove, press two. If you’re not sure, press three. This survey has been conducted by Public Policy Polling. For more information, visit www.publicpolicypoling.com 919-866-4950. Thank you for your participation.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 914-326-6021 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 718-914-3481
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

You. Hi. My name is Deborah Holland. This is an important message from the PCH prize patrol team, signed and approved by the Sweet Stakes Audit Bureau. Congratulations on being a first place winner from our grand promotion. Did you check your mailbox or your email? Your confirmation number is 7711. Please our prize patrol team at your earliest convenience to make preparations for prize delivery at 718-914-3481. I repeat, 718-914-3481. Congratulations once more.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 949-620-0523 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 310-734-2245
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Hi, my name is Jordan calling from Kw commercial. We’re very active family brokers in Los Angeles was calling regarding your property to see if you guys would consider selling. Call me back when you get this message. Phone number is 310-734-2245. Again. 310-734-2245. Thank you.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.

Number: 858-771-7916 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num: 951-228-0539
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

You. Hi, this is Aloha 951-228-0539 again. It’s 951-228-0539. Please give me a call back. Thank you. Thank.
This is a spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcript is below. You are responsible for vetting any numbers you call. It is often the case that you should call the number in the transcript, not the inbound one. Use your better judgement to rule out possible charities and whatnot. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know whether or not the number works.