FearToxin PCH Scanner

Number: 888-274-9528 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num:888-274-9528
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:

Hello. Good day. This is a secured line from the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes Company located in Jericho, New York. My name is Tracy Miller. You are the lucky third place winner of a certified cashier’s check for $2.5 million, $25,000 in cash and a brand new MercedesBenz car. Due to your subscriptions to various lottery companies, congratulations to you. The Publisher’s Clearinghouse congratulates you and welcomes you to financial freedom. This award is in compliance with the IRS, the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission. So please keep winning’s. Details strictly confidential. To speak to a claims agent, please call 888-274-9528 again. That is 888-274-9528. Your package identification number is 9477 USA. Thank you.
This is a PCH spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcipt is below. You are responsible for verifying any numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here.
Many baiters are unfamiliar with PCH scams, but they can be extremely rewarding. Experienced PCH baiters often uncover bank accounts and scammer’s personal details entirely over the phone, without any computer trickery, as in other types of scams. For more information, check Recon’s guide: Publishers Clearing House Scam | How it works, how to deal with it. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/.