FearToxin PCH Scanner

Number: 929-399-2712 --This number is likely spoofed, look for the real one in the transcript.
Extracted num:929-3992
Carrier: Unknown
Voice Mail:
House to yours. I am your man Steve Harvey Contacting you from the Publishers Clearinghouse Congratulations from our house to yours. I am your man Steve Harvey. Contacting you from the Publisher’s Clearinghouse we are thrilled to inform you that you have been selected as the first place winner in our Set for Life promotions and Giveaways. You have won 13 million and a 2025 Ford Explorer automobile and also 5000 monthly for life. Your participation stood out among many. Please follow instructions clearly as provided by the Claims Department to claim your reward. Your Claims confirmation code is TAR29. US Sweepstakes and Lottery laws in the United States vary by state and at the federal level. Understanding these laws is crucial for anyone involved in organizing or participating in such events. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at 929-3992, 712 that is 929-399-2712. Thank you for participating in our gaming promotions. We look forward to your continued involvement and hope you enjoy your well deserved reward. Once again, congratulations on your impressive achievement. We wish you all the best and looking forward to celebrating.
This is a PCH spam call listed on Nomorobo’s site. The transcipt is below. You are responsible for verifying any numbers you call. These numbers have not been confirmed by humans! If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here.
Many baiters are unfamiliar with PCH scams, but they can be extremely rewarding. Experienced PCH baiters often uncover bank accounts and scammer’s personal details entirely over the phone, without any computer trickery, as in other types of scams. For more information, check Recon’s guide: Publishers Clearing House Scam | How it works, how to deal with it. Check out https://spambaitmail.org/.