Fake Netflix 833-239-0721

Several hundred consecutive numbers either side of this number has been alive over the past 4 months or so with mostly Microsoft popup numbers, also littered with Zelle, Ca$hApp, Facebook.
There has been in excess of 300 active numbers in total

I have been tracking this particular number since early February, it has been active roughly every second day across that period

It has changed scripts a load of times being mostly Ca$hApp and Coinbase and a brief stint as Zelle.
They’re amongst the forum and community board spamming scammers who spam their numbers thousands of times every day on dozens of different boards along with every other type of lying bastard, mostly the super dooper legit airline reservations clots
I can’t be sure of course because I don’t know a lot about anything at all and never will
I can’t even be sure I listed this number and many others adjacent to it recently…that could have been a hallucination of sorts. :thinking:
