Fake aetna (855) 572-6401 "$300.00"

Awesome! @JusticeinTexas

They got my cc details, so I am just waiting for them to put a charge thru and see if we can find out more info.


These guys aren’t Hindi, they’re straight up a mixture of mostly Mexican with some Americans lol. I even got this one old guy named Kevin and tried to get their phone number with Ed Powell; his computer kept “freezing” lmao.


I got another number:

(855) 687-4221

Same drill ya’ll this time I said CIGNA, so I guess any insurance would work. I have spoken with about 5 different agents and “Michael” and “Steven” are Dominican.
I even tried speaking Spanish to them and they ignored me (I’m Mexican).

Call this fresh number, they are SPICY Y’ALL!!!


Haha! I got Adeena!


I got an unsolicited missed call to my TextMe number that I have been using for these Health Insurance numbers in this thread.

NEW NUMBER (855) 923-1011
I called it for the first time just now. The robo voice said that I’d reached the Health Exchange.
Per the prompt, I pressed ZERO to speak to an operator.
A woman answered. She sounded American. She asked for my health insurance id.
I called her out since SHE called me as I had NOT called this particular (855) toll-free number before.


Jessica Anderson LITERALLY said she will kick my ass, I LOVE THIS :rofl:


Yes, they are starting to have temper tantrums, @Sol! We are wearing 'em down!

(855) 923-1011: Whoa, a woman named “Maya” screamed at me at the top of her lungs!
Of course in all fairness she was responding to my most uncouth insults.


Here are some people who shared their experiences with these guys. I guess they “help” victims sign up for insurance and terminate their existing coverage.
These guys just cosplay whichever insurance the victim says so they can lie and manipulate the victim into dropping their actual coverage, pieces of shit!


These fkn clowns are weak! Giving out TN numbers, that’s just a chance to educate a potential victim. Awesome work @Hviezdoslav :+1::+1:


Onvoy number callback: (954) 678-2752


Today is Monday, 02-OCT-2023.
Earlier today, between about 10 am and 10:30 am Central in the U.S.A., I called the following:

(855) 572-6401: The robo voice said the number dialed cannot be reached from your calling area. Maybe they blocked my number that has a California area code or maybe they blocked my particular phone number. Three days ago though I was calling repeatedly without getting the “the number dialed cannot be reached from your calling area.”

(855) 687-2752: The robo voice said the number dialed cannot be reached from your calling area. Maybe they blocked my number that has a California area code or maybe they blocked my particular phone number. Three days ago though I was calling repeatedly without getting the “the number dialed cannot be reached from your calling area.”

(855) 923-1011: The robotic voice said that I have reached the Health Exchange. I pressed ZERO. The robotic voice said that I have reached Strategic Telco or Strategic Teslo or something to that effect. I was on hold music for a long time, so I hung up while still on HOLD.

=== === ===
At 11:40 am or so Central Time, I called (855) 572-6401 and (855) 687-2752 and still I got the message about how the number I have dialed cannot be reached from my calling area.

**At 11:45 pm or so Central, Mon., 02-Oct-2023, I am trying again now to call (855) 923-1011. **
A foreign guy answered as Partner Services and I am on the call now …


(855) 923-1011 …
I just got off of a phone call with Maya. I spoke to her NUMEROUS times 3 days ago! Yes, she certainly recognized my voice! My heart has been touched and warmed by her anger at me!


Yep spoke with her as well.


855 572 6401 stephen, edgar, michael , monica and edna are looking to get hearts ripped out and stepped on , monica told me she will take on 17 inches and also said will skull F only thing she sounded fat and she didn’t like me asking if she was fat but she was alright me asking her all of the other filthy questions , wow total scam and corruption…


(855) 923-1011 … Today sometimes some of them say “Member Services” in their script but others say “Partner Services” and therefore it seems that they cannot keep their stories straight. I got some woman who does not say her name two times in a row, and I recognize her voice and she recognizes my voice from 3 days ago.

(855) 572-6401 … I am gonna start calling this number again since I have not tried since about 2 hours ago when I got the robo spiel about the number I dialed cannot be reached from my calling area. YES, STEVEN/STEPHEN is on my call now!


855 923 1011 healthcare exchange jesica said , I asked her nicely if she was scammer, all she could say is their something I can do to better assist you, would not acknowledge my question . I then proceeded to ask her If she thought she was better scammer the bitch just says yes and hangs up…


Darn, they have a system set up - If you try call from a hidden number, the bot will tell you that your call will be rejected because of that reason.


Yes Jeff, I have gotten that sometimes also in the past when I had logged into voice.google.com to switch my VOIP phone number to hide my caller id and show instead “Unknown Number” when calling criminals.

There must be software or some way that they know that the phone number of the caller is being hidden. I wish I knew how we could overcome their ability, @MehNamesJeff.

(855) 572-6401 … A guy Haiden answered. This number is active at present.

(855) 687-4221 … My call was answered. The robotic voice before she answered says “State Health Exchange.” Today is 05-Oct-2023, Thursday. It is about 11:15 am or so Central time in the U.S.A.

(855) 923-1011 … The Robo voice says Health Exchange. I pressed 0 as prompted. “Georgia” just answered. She recognized my voice and uncouth language immediately.

It seems they keep using the same phone numbers. It is difficult to stop them, let alone cause them to need to get new toll-free numbers.

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855 572 6401
I did something similar & got blocked after just 3 calls & 1 callback. Guess they couldn’t handle the vulgarity I threw their way lol!!

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