Facebook sewer rats multiple numbers

facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
866 279 0692
877 200 4217

844 528 7493


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full list

866 279 0692
877 200 4217

844 528 7493


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This place sounds very sedate and quiet

It will sound like a dead number (as hundreds do nowadays), but unless your number is blocked it answers after 15 seconds or so of silent ringing to a frightful clusterfuck of noise and commotion…and some more noise

8332390546 Facebook/Meta support

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facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
866 279 0692
877 200 4217

844 528 7493


866 279 0837

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1 Like

facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 683 7820
833 202 7911

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facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
855 683 7820
833 202 7911
8555 743 706

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full list

855 683 7820
833 202 7911
8555 743 706

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facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
833 202 7922
866 305 8003
888 842 0993

full list

833 202 7922
866 305 8003
888 842 0993
877 905 2113

facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
833 202 7911

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full list

833 202 7911
(833) 211-0841
866 279 0837

888 842 0995
877 235 9992

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My Facebook has been hacked from China and Japan lol


facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
833 202 7911
888 842 0995
877 235 9992

full list

833 202 7911
888 842 0995
877 235 9992

facebook sewer rats
DISCLAIMER : Please note I have checked these numbers twice and they are changing scams too and currently active.These scammers operate from 7am to 7 pm est.They may also operate other scams with the same numbers.All are 100% scammers numbers.If they dont pick up,They will call you back in few minutes or they may shut down their number for few minutes to avoid us but they will be back up again after 15 to 30 minutes. Save these numbers in your database.trust my numbers I have been tracing scammers since 2019 now.Each number steal minimum 2000 usd to 10,000 usd and all these scammers are scamming Americans and Canadians.These are extremely adamant.Thanks.Lets destroy them.
833 202 7922
888 842 0993


855 713 3575

This place needs to be smacked and I haven’t got the system resources currently with a lot of VM search dialers scanning a hell of a lot of newly discovered Spectrum scam blocks containing several thousand numbers so far.

This place has been annoying me for months…lotsa illiterate dumbfuck bastards to upset with a lot of inbound capacity

8333172354 Facebook/Meta support

There are loads of active Fakebook clowns

My system hit this one as I was just about to hit the reply button so they win a guest spot in the shit list.

8554701585 Facebook/Meta support (sometimes Instagram support)

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888 842 0993
877 339 0545