Amazon Prime scam (888) 567-4455‬

call back number for Richard (646) 926-1063

new numbers: 540-551-4593 / (833) 456-0174

833-456-0174 Peter Friday 6-7-24 5:49PM EST

540-551-4593 Peter

540 551 4593 833 456 0174
john peter and kevin all primed for open heart transplant and chritian ready to take it up the ass.

new numbers: (877) 884-3284 / 458-658-3695

877-884-3284 Mike Saturday 6-8-24 12:05PM EST


877-884-3284: Officer James says his favorite color is “your mother’s nipple color.”

458-658-3695: Jasmine’s favorite color is “peach color.”

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still active (848) 288-9464

new numbers: (844) 499-4242 / (888) 664-4011‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

848-288-9464 Leo Monday 6-10-24 3:33PMEST

888-664-4011 Ronnie

new number (888) 799-8126

888-799-8126 Monday 6-10-24 7:01PM EST

new numbers: (848) 291-8257 / (855) 716-0684 / (877) 906-3997

call back numbers: (901) 584-0946 / (917) 341-0899


877-906-3997 Steven Thursday 6-13-24 2:55PM EST


I told my TV activation code is FUK-YOU… He is asking for my email address. Stupid Idiot! :smiley:

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still active (888) 664-4011‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

new numbers: (208) 900-5137 / (866) 296-9132 / (866) 672-8328

888-664-4011 Steve Friday 6-14-24 3:58PM EST

new numbers: (866) 684-4469 / (888) 518-2410 / (888) 518-7296